Saturday, March 12, 2022

The Day 420 COVID-19 Vaccination Report of India


 The Day 420 COVID-19 Vaccination Report of India confirmed that India’s cumulative COVID Vaccination Coverage reached 1,79,89,47,302 (as per PIB).

New Delhi (ABC Live India): The Day 420 COVID-19 Vaccination Report of India: Today was day 420 of the countrywide COVID-19 vaccination program and the total numbers of doses given reached 1,79,89,47,302 (as per PIB).

According to the official data released by MoHFW out of reported 1,79,72,00,515 vaccine doses 91,09,34,838 were administered as first doses, whereas remaining of  77,65,93,993 doses were second doses. Also till today total 5,57,21,363 as first doses and 3,28,94,781 as second doses were given to children of age group of 15-17 years and 2,10,55,540 have been administered as booster doses .

It is pertinent to report that today the difference between the vaccination data reported by PIB at 7PM, and the official data released by MoHFW at 7AM on 11/03/2022 reported of 17,46,787 doses, as reported numbers of vaccine by the PIB is 1,79,89,47,302 and MoHFW is 1,79,72,00,515.

The ABC Research team reports that it is strange that as per the data provided by the government agencies today the number of doses provided to the states were 1,16,26,240 doses in a single day, and the number of vaccine doses utilized including wastage was increased to 1,65,07,31,144 from 1,64,37,02,799 which is also an unambiguous data, contrary to vaccination data provided by the government today, as the total number of doses administered today were 16,14,169 therefore by keeping in view the huge ambiguity in the data provided by the  government agencies, the ABC Research team has decided to publish a detailed report of India’s vaccination data, that too after proper verification of vaccination data of India.

As per PIB, India’s COVID-19 vaccination coverage has crossed 179.89 Crore (179,89,47,302) today. More than 16 lakh (16,14,169) Vaccine Doses have been administered till 7 pm today. More than 2.11 Crore (2,11,43,851) Precaution Doses for the identified categories of beneficiaries (HCWs, FLWs and Over 60 years) for COVID vaccination have been administered so far. The daily vaccination tally is expected to increase with the compilation of the final reports for the day by late tonight.

The cumulative coverage of vaccine doses, segregated based on population priority groups, is as follows:

Cumulative Vaccine Dose Coverage


1st Dose


2nd Dose


Precaution Dose



1st Dose


2nd Dose


Precaution Dose


Age Group 15-18 years

1st Dose



2nd Dose


Age Group 18-44 years

1st Dose


2nd Dose


Age Group 45-59 years

1st Dose


2nd Dose


Over 60 years

1st Dose


2nd Dose


Precaution Dose


Cumulative 1st dose administered


Cumulative 2nd dose administered


Precaution Dose




Today’s achievement in the vaccination exercise, segregated by population priority groups, is as follows:

Date: 11th March, 2022 (420th Day)


1st Dose


2nd Dose


Precaution Dose



1st Dose


2nd Dose


Precaution Dose


Age Group 15-18 years

1st Dose



2nd Dose


Age Group 18-44 years

1st Dose


2nd Dose


Age Group 45-59 years

1st Dose


2nd Dose


Over 60 years

1st Dose


2nd Dose


Precaution Dose


Cumulative 1st dose administered


Cumulative 2nd dose administered


Precaution Dose




 The ABC Research report of Day 717 says that, The CoWIN dashboard, the official website of India's COVID-19 vaccination program confirmed that to date 1,04,96,09,663  persons registered themselves for getting COVID-19 Vaccines, out of these 5,67,05,345 are of age group of 15-17 years, 62,81,39,974 are of the age group of 18-44 years and the remaining 36,47,64,344 belong to the age group 45+. Further, the CoWIN dashboard data says that against 1,04,96,09,663  registered for vaccination, a total of 1,79,82,81,996  have been vaccinated, meaning thereby that 74,86,72,333 persons were vaccinated more than the registered numbers.

The Ministry of Health and family, the COVID-19 Vaccination Day 420 a total of  1,79,89,47,302 vaccine doses have been given till today, whereas the as per  COWIN  1,79,82,81,996  doses were administered as of date, out of these, 96,84,59,545 were the first doses, 80,99,16,198 were the second doses And the remaining 1,99,06,253 were booster doses, meaning thereby there is a difference 6,65,306 vaccine doses in both the vaccine data issued by the government of India's official agencies in favour of the PIB Data.

Also, Read

The Day 419 COVID-19 Vaccination Report of India

The Day 717 COVID-19 Report of India


New Delhi (ABC Live India): The Day 717 COVID-19 Report of India: Today was the 717 day of India’s Fight against Corona virus: ABC Research Report. 

As per the Day 717  COVID-19 Report of India, there are 42,219 active cases of  COVID-19  in India  4,24,26,328 COVID-19 patients have been discharged, and 5,15,714 persons have lost their lives in India to date.

It is pertinent to mention that out of total 255 COVID-19 deaths reported today, 203 deaths declared as per appeal G.O.(R t) No. 2110/2021/H&FWD by state of Kerala, which were earlier not reported. Apart from these deaths 24 died in Kerala today of COVID-19.  

According to the COVID-19 Vaccination Day 420 Report based upon data provided by PIB a total of 179,89,47,302 vaccine doses have been given till today.  

On the testing of the capacity of India, the ICMR in its daily report on 10/03/2022 informed that a total of 77,68,94,810 have been conducted in India till 9 AM of 10/03/2022. Further, the ICMR reported that 8,12,365 new samples were taken during the last 24 hours.

The following is the list of actions/announcements made by the Government of India along with updates from Indian Courts of law, NHRC, RBI, SEBI, TRAI, IRDAI etc.

The Ministry of Health and Family released detailed COVID-19 Updates for Day 717 and also issued a precise COVID-19 indicator of the day.

The Ministry of Health and Family released the data of COVID-19 Vaccination Day 420 as per PIB data says that a total of 179,89,47,302 vaccine doses have been given till today.

The Ministry of Health and family claimed that 1,81,77,83,420 numbers of vaccine doses have been provided to States/UTs so far, through all sources to date, the numbers of doses still with the States/UTs are 16,70,52,276 and the data of a total number of doses utilized including wastage 1,65,07,31,144 doses.

The Ministry of Health and family refuted the recently published article in a reputed international journal has provided estimates of all cause excess mortality for a number of countries based on a mathematical modeling exercise. The study has concluded that although reported COVID-19 deaths between Jan 1, 2020, and Dec 31, 2021, totalled 5·94 million worldwide, but an estimated 18·2 million (95% uncertainty interval 17·1–19·6) people died worldwide because of the COVID-19 pandemic (as measured by excess mortality) over that period.

The ABC Research team reports that it is strange that as per the data provided by the government agencies today the number of doses provided to the states were 1,16,26,240 doses in a single day, and the number of vaccine doses utilized including wastage was increased to 1,65,07,31,144 from 1,64,37,02,799 which is also an unambiguous data, contrary to vaccination data provided by the government today, as the total number of doses administered today were 16,14,169 therefore by keeping in view the huge ambiguity in the data provided by the  government agencies, the ABC Research team has decided to publish a detailed report of India’s vaccination data, that too after proper verification of vaccination data of India.

The ICMR issued a data of COVID-19 Tests conducted on 11/03/2022

The Ministry of Finance issued an Exchange Rate Notification No.16/2022 - Customs (N.T.)

The Ministry of Finance released an amount of    Rs. 2,221.2 crore to Bihar, Karnataka and West Bengal for providing grants to the Rural Local Bodies.  Rs. 1,112.7 crore has been released to Bihar, Rs. 473.9 crore to Karnataka and Rs. 634.6 crore to West Bengal.  This Grant-in-aid is the 2nd installment of Tied grants to the State of Bihar and Untied grant to the States of Karnataka and West Bengal of the year 2021-22.

The Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation released the Quick Estimates Of Index Of Industrial Production And Use-Based Index For the Month Of January, 2022 (Base 2011-12=100).

The RBI released the data of Money Market Operations as on March 10, 2022

The TRAI extended the last date to receive comments|counter-comments on TRAI Consultation Paper on 'Promoting Networking' and Telecom Equipment Manufacturing in India.

The CoWIN dashboard, the official website of India's COVID-19 vaccination program confirmed that to date 1,04,96,09,663  persons registered themselves for getting COVID-19 Vaccines, out of these 5,67,05,345 are of age group of 15-17 years, 62,81,39,974 are of the age group of 18-44 years and the remaining 36,47,64,344 belong to the age group 45+. Further, the CoWIN dashboard data says that against 1,04,96,09,663  registered for vaccination, a total of 1,79,82,81,996  have been vaccinated, meaning thereby that 74,86,72,333 persons were vaccinated more than the registered numbers.

The Ministry of Health and family, the COVID-19 Vaccination Day 420 a total of  1,79,89,47,302 vaccine doses have been given till today, whereas the as per  COWIN  1,79,82,81,996  doses were administered as of date, out of these, 96,84,59,545 were the first doses, 80,99,16,198 were the second doses And the remaining 1,99,06,253 were booster doses, meaning thereby there is a difference 6,65,306 vaccine doses in both the vaccine data issued by the government of India's official agencies in favour of the PIB Data.

The PIB issued a Daily Bulletin on Covid-19 today

 The Day 716 COVID-19 Report of India

Thursday, November 25, 2021

The Day 313 COVID-19 Vaccination Report of India


The Day 313 COVID-19 Vaccination Report of India confirmed that India’s cumulative COVID Vaccination Coverage reached 1,19,27,78,005 based upon the press release issued through PIB by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare

New Delhi (ABC Live India): The Day 313 COVID-19 Vaccination Report of India: Today was day 313 of the countrywide COVID-19 vaccination program.

India’s COVID-19 vaccination coverage has crossed 119 Crore landmark milestone (119,27,78,005) today. More than 79 lakh (79,65,803) Vaccine Doses have been administered till 7 pm today.  The daily vaccination tally is expected to increase with the compilation of the final reports for the day by late tonight.

The cumulative coverage of vaccine doses, segregated based on population priority groups, is as follows:

Cumulative Vaccine Dose Coverage


1st Dose


2nd Dose



1st Dose


2nd Dose


Age Group 18-44 years

1st Dose


2nd Dose


Age Group 45-59 years

1st Dose


2nd Dose


Over 60 years

1st Dose


2nd Dose


Cumulative 1st dose administered


Cumulative 2nd dose administered




Today’s achievement in the vaccination exercise, segregated by population priority groups, is as follows:

Date: 24th November, 2021 (313rd Day)


1st Dose


2nd Dose



1st Dose


2nd Dose


Age Group 18-44 years

1st Dose


2nd Dose


Age Group 45-59 years

1st Dose


2nd Dose


Over 60 years

1st Dose


2nd Dose


1st Dose Administered in Total


2nd Dose Administered in Total




The Day 420 COVID-19 Vaccination Report of India

    The Day 420 COVID-19 Vaccination Report of India confirmed that India’s cumulative COVID Vaccination Coverage reached 1,79,89,47,302 (as...